Building Construction

Home Builder Information


Efficient Building

Building with the Ecowall panel can increase your efficiency which reduces your overall costs and time on the project.

Our installers report an average installation time per panel of 2-3 minutes. That’s 1.6m2 of wall every couple of minutes! Which equates to 8 times faster than traditional brick building!

Dimensional Accuracy

The panels have strict quality control measures in place and designed to Australian Standards.

The Ecowall Panels are manufactured in a factory environment using state of the art modern machinery resulting in products produced with greater dimensional accuracy.

This means the end result is a precision build which allows following trades to start pre manufacture of their cabinetry, roof trusses etc based on the initial drawings.

Cost Effective

Speed and ease of installation result in time/cost savings compared to traditional masonry construction.

Time in construction has a cost and the faster you can build the more you can build and more you will save on labour costs.

Unlimited low cost labour to install panels

After completing a short two-week ECOWALL BUILDERS installation program, semi-skilled individuals will then be qualified to install the panels perfectly for the builder or developer. No long delays or increased costs waiting for skilled tradesmen.

This comprehensive program includes classroom education and hands-on training.
Installers can be fully trained in building with ECOWALL PANELS adhering to AS standards and BCA compliance regulations.

Supply Guaranteed

Delivering Quality Sustainable Building Solutions
Our manufacturing partner is one of the leading panel manufacturers in the world that aims to deliver quality products to its customers with its commitment to quality products and services.

Our production facility manufactures blocks efficiently and engineered panels cost-effectively with an annual capacity of 600,000 cubic meters. It covers a wide range of panel products with various compressive strengths to cater for specific architectural design requirements.

Thermal & Acoustic

Thermal insulation restricts heat transfer, whereas acoustic insulation restricts sound transfer or sound reverberation. The panel has combined thermal acoustic qualities which is effective in both reducing heat and noise transfer and is superior to double brick wall.

The hollowcore structure and composition allows a brilliant insulation. The air gaps inside the panel provide insulation properties by preventing the transmission of heat. To achieve a much higher insulation rating we can add additional insulation proofing materials, such as coconut husk, hemp or rock-wool prior to manufacturing.

Sustainable Product

The Ecowall panel is made of sustainable and recycled materials.

Green Building Material
The raw materials for our panel are green materials, according to
national environmental test, it’s without asbestos and no radioactivity, and also it does not contain formaldehyde, meanwhile it’s free of heavy metals and other harmful substances.

It does not produce any harmful gases and toxic smoke in the
event of fire. Moreover, it’s insect-resistant and resistant to growth
of mold and mildew as an organic material.
